Take control of your personal data

Manage your crypto, encrypted personal data and zero knowledge credentials with the Verida Wallet.
Verida Wallet app QR code
Scan to download Verida Wallet
app on iOS and Android
Verida Wallet home screen
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Watch a Demo Video

A 5 minute video showcasing a variety of Verida’s technical capabilities with an example of WalletConnect with NEAR.


Create decentralized identities, manage your private keys and take control of your
digital world
Verida Wallet sidebar navigation screenShow QR-code page from Verida Wallet app

Public identity

Public identity address - DID


Crypto & NFT Wallet

A multi-chain wallet with NFTs and SBT badges.
Perform transactions and manage crypto on multiple blockchains.
Verida Wallet page Assets screen - Verida Wallet app
Assets manager screen - Collectibles pageAssets page - Badge view - Verida Wallet


Receive, store and share verifiable credentials across multiple identity networks.
Bridge your credentials to applications and blockchains

Privado ID in the Verida Wallet

Unlocking personal data to transform everyday life and improve the world for all, is no small mission. By aligning with partners who share our self-sovereign ideals, we can get there faster...
Read more on our blog

Single Sign On

OR code authentication for a seamless user experience. A superior sign-in experience with simple authentication and anti-phishing architecture securing your access to decentralized applications developed on the Verida network.


Manage public profiles for your decentralized identities and consensually shareprivate profiles with third parties.


Encrypted messaging between decentralized identities. Approve data requests, accept incoming data and receive notifications from your favourite web3 applications.

Personal Data

Take ownership of your Web2 data, store encrypted in a secure data Wallet. Control access to your data and provide permission to web3 applications.
Verida Network logoLearn More About Verida Network

Verida Resources

Verida provides a collection of open source libraries for application developers to easily build secure decentralized Web3 applications.
Verida Wallet Terms and conditions